Site Tools


How-To has a lot of features that may not catch your eye right away. To make it easier to use, here are some of the best tips and tricks we've found.

Main Page

Colored boxes are for reference only and are not included on the main page.

Red: Filters

By default, guest users can see resources in every language available on the site. This can cause some difficulty in navigation, but is necessary in order to allow non-English users to share the site. To filter by language, click the Language link under the Browse heading in the left-hand pane. (located in the red box shown above.

Magenta: Sort

Sort options are located in the magenta box above the book tiles in the default view and include: sort by date, author, title, and publication dates.

Green: Shelves

Not used at this time.

Cyan: Search Tools

Search tools are located along the top edge of the page (in the cyan box shown above). The Search box will search tags, title, and authors. In the Advanced Search menu, one can filter results by any metadata field, including tags and author. For example, on the Main Page, only one filter tag (category) or language can be used at once, and not simultaneously with another. In the Advanced Search menu, multiple fields can be selected at once to return only results that match all of the conditions (boolean AND) or those that do not match specific conditions (boolean NOT). For example, tags for Baptism and Ordinances could be selected, and a language, to return only resources tagged with Baptism, Ordinances, in English, for example. A search keyword or phrase is not required in the Advanced Search menu.

Also, the Home icon returns you to the main page. The back arrow takes you back one level.

Yellow: Login Menu

The user icon and drop down in the top-right corner allows you to login with a username and password. This is not needed to browse the library, view, or download books. However, it is necessary for Send-to-eReader functionality which can be provided on a case-by-case basis. Located below this is the forward arrow, used in some cases where continuous scrolling is not available (some tablets, etc.)

wiki/how-to.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/16 00:02 by